Thursday 21 January 2016

Strawberry California

Status : Draft

5 buah tanaman Strawberry Varitas California yang termasuk jenis Day-Neutral baru saja diambil dari rumah seorang sahabat, Pak Sugeng Widyarso di Ponok Petir, sebagian akan ditanam disini (dataran rendah, 40 mdpl), dan sebagian akan di tanam di Madrasah Sirojul Wildan (500 mdpl)

  1. Sebaran Stroberi (Fragaria x ananassa) di Indonesia,

Monday 18 January 2016

Strawberry Sweet Charlie

Status : Draft

Just as the name implies, the Sweet Charlie Strawberry berries tastes like they have sugar on them fresh from the field. Sweet Charlie Strawberry plants are vigorous, disease-resistant, and produce large firm berry fruit. 
Plants are medium in size making for an easy harvest. The Sweet Charlie Strawberry plant is an early season, June bearing strawberry variety. Zones 4 - 8. June bearing strawberries produce a single crop each year during a 2 - 3 week period. 
TIP: If you get blooms the first year while the plant is getting established pinch the blooms off to ensure a large fruit crop the next year. [1]

  1. Sweet Charlie Strawberry Plants,
  2. Sweet Charlie Strawberry Plants,
  3. Strawberry plant called `Sweet Charlie` US PP8729 P,
  4. 'Sweet Charlie' Strawberry1,